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Are you sure your customers like you?

man talking to himself in a mirror

Do your customers like your product/business? Are you sure about that?!

A 2007 study found that 80% of executives believed that their product stood out against the competition, but that only 8% of customers agreed!

This type of thinking is caused by the natural human tendency of having biases such as anchoring, confirmation bias, and attribution error.

When you bring an organisation's executives together, they can easily fall into a trap of falling back onto these biases and their shared experiences, which leads them talking into a positive story echo chamber. This type of behaviour can negatively distort the strategic decision-making process of an organisation.

This is where external independent voices such as advisors and advisory boards can be very helpful as they can help executives think more clearly and critically about their product and business, which can lead to business transformation and sustainable growth.

We can help you see clearly and make the right strategic decisions. Get in touch for a no-obligation free chat.


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